SAP Business Planning and Consolidation(BPC)

Our clients deploy BPC on-premises or in the cloud to automate processes and develop more actionable, effective strategies.

SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC)

At MAP360° Consulting, we deliver people with the right experience who will be there to guide and support your project. We’ll answer your questions, show you ‘best practice’ tips and tricks and share our experience and insights to help you successfully implement BPC.

  • Thorough planning
  • Quick start to maximize efficiency
  • Well-defined phased delivery
  • Comprehensive documentation
  • We transform your team into resident experts with extensive BPC training
  • Ongoing support, upgrades, and solutions

SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) has been adopted by thousands of organizations around the world and remains a leading CPM solution with full planning, consolidation, integration, reporting and analysis capabilities. SAP continues to drive BPC adoption with the latest platform, integrated with SAP HANA. Our clients deploy BPC on-premises or in the cloud to automate processes and develop more actionable, effective strategies.

Improved Data Visibility and Planning Capabilities

SAP BPC delivers planning, budgeting, forecasting, and financial consolidation capabilities, so you can easily adjust plans and forecasts, speed up budget and closing cycles, and ensure compliance with financial reporting standards. In addition, BPC offers seamless connectivity with SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) allowing clients to augment BPC robust financial reporting with enhanced analytics and visualizations.

BPC Training

Our care and attention create hands-on skills and self-assurance.

We offer standard and custom SAP® Business Planning and Consolidation training to many companies. Our instructor-led courses are designed to give administrators, power users, and end-users the tools they need to thoroughly understand and effectively utilize SAP® Business Planning and Consolidation. MAP360° is committed to sharing its knowledge and experience with you.

Our Clients

we are proud to work with.